In a recent article, I told the story of French immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste.

He used an antiserum to demonstrate water’s ability to retain information that can affect health.

In another recent blog, I shared how our liquid remedies, Infoceuticals, use that principle to carry corrective information into the body-field.

What exactly is the human body-field?

It’s a complex, structured network of matter and energy that commands your physiology.

When your body-field is out of balance, you’re not in optimal health. 

When we correct your body-field, we restore your body’s ability to heal itself, and your symptoms clear up. 

Infoceuticals simply help nature – which you’re a part of – do its thing.

So how does this work? How do we imprint water with information?

It’s no mystery. It’s a simple yet groundbreaking process.

We start out by adding Himalayan sea salt, which provides minerals for the water to structure itself around. 

This allows the water to carry information that aligns your current body-field with your optimal body-field, much like a USB chip carries files. 

We then run the salted water through a proprietary scanner, exposing it to a high electrostatic field that imprints it with specific healing properties. 

The information is stored in the water, and available to be taken into the body-field. 

Each Infoceutical is entirely unique.

After doing your voice scan, a group of Infoceuticals is recommended for your specific constitution and condition. 

Getting this information into the body-field is as simple as drinking a glass of water. You just add drops of the Infoceuticals to water. It’s that easy – and they’re incredibly safe.

In a recent study on the effectiveness of Infoceuticals, 231 out of 240 study participants reported improved health after using the Infoceuticals.

That’s a whopping 96.5% success rate!

Curious to know more? 

Click PLAY on the video below, where researcher Sarah Turner explains some fascinating findings on NES Health, along with the science behind our imprinting process.

Have a question about Infoceuticals? 

Leave a comment below and the NES team will get back to you. 

We’re in your corner.

Whether you’re interested in bioenergetics for yourself, your precious loved ones, or your clients, we want you to win, and we know that these tools can change everything for you. 


Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health

9 replies on “Can a Glass of Imprinted Water Transform Your Health?”

can I place them on my body as opposed to drinking I have had digestive issues colitis diverticulitis since starting and am sensitive to potassium/? thankyou

Hello Caroline, We certainly have people get results from putting the drops on their skin, as the information can interact with the body-field in this way. So it is possible to take this approach. But we cannot guide individuals, so we encourage you to speak with your NES Health coach or practitioner about this. Thank you for understanding.

I’m on day 5 now. Of lung, heart, skin, nerve and another one. How soon do people see results.
I realize that the ingrediants are same in every bottle. So, essentially, it is up to each one of us to mentally tell each part about the healthy stuff being given” I have your mi health device also
I don’t see how it can be specifically tailored to someone whhen it’s same ingred.
Power of suggestion?

Hi Penny.

The ingredients you read on the bottles are the carriers of the corrective imprint we add, so the ingredients on the label are always the same. But the energetic imprints are different in every bottle. Our proprietary matching technique gave us mathematical codes to imprint via photons and magnetic fields when each Infoceutical is produced.

We recently ran these through EPR equipment at a university to actually show that they are read differently through spectral analysis. So there’s an indication that they end up being different products, as we manufacture them to be.

On top of this, the raw mineral water itself wouldn’t cause the changes we see in people unless the entire effect of every Infoceutical were strictly placebo. But we have lab results on tissue (no placebo possible, unless you really want to go down a rabbit hole), and we get results in children and animals who have no clue they’re taking Infoceuticals.

In short, the energetic imprint is real, and each one is imprinted differently. We hope this answers your question.

I love the information, however I got a bit lost because I could not see her files on the screen. The camera only stayed on the presenter and never showed the things she was talking about.

Dear NES Support Team:

I am interested in finding out the cost of Infoceutical drop that are added to water (based on my voice).


Jeanne M. Baus, RN, BSN, MS
Certified EFT Practitioner

I have been reading about bioenergetics and coaching. But I would like to experience the process myself before committing to coaching. How can I locate a practitioner in my area?

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