
Why Bioenergetics Can Drastically Increase Client Compliance

One of the biggest struggles health coaches face is client compliance. 

You could facilitate an incredible session where the client is excited to get started on your recommendations… but then they go home to the same challenges:

  1. The kids who always need their attention when they’re trying to workout or meditate. 
  2. The easy foods they know and love at their fingertips – or their UberEats app.
  3. Their coffee machine that’s already programmed to wake them up at 6am with a strong cup. 

No matter how great of a coach you are, you can’t be there to spoon-feed your clients at every step of their healing journey. 

Why is it hard for a lot of clients to follow through?

When trying to create healthier habits, most of us know what we need to be doing… but it can feel really hard to actually do it. 

What’s familiar is just easier – much of what we do in a day is by muscle memory.

The brain says “No, take your coach’s recommendation!” but the body craves the same old behavior that feels comfortable and safe. 

Maybe you’ve experienced one of these challenges at some point in your life:


  1. You know you need more exercise, but it’s just not happening – you’re either busy or tired. 
  2. You know that eating more vegetables would help your digestion and skin, but it takes so much time to wash, chop, and cook them. 
  3. You know meditation would help reduce your anxiety, but you can’t sit for more than a few minutes. 

Once we start exercising more, eating differently, or meditating, we realize how simple these habits are, but developing them can feel challenging.

Maybe some of the habits that used to feel hard now feel as second-nature as brushing your teeth… but it wasn’t always that way. 

Health coaches can lay out a perfect plan for their clients, and guide them every step of the way, but the client still has to take action. 

It’s the same when you see your doctor: Maybe they tell you your blood pressure is high and you need more exercise – but they can’t make you do it. 

Thankfully, health coaches have more time with their clients than doctors do:


  1. A doctor recommends a healthier diet, a coach helps you create a practical strategy to actually eat more vegetables and less processed food. 
  2. A doctor tells you to exercise more, while a coach helps you find a type of exercise you’ll enjoy, and commit to a frequency that works within your life. 
  3. A doctor tells you to reduce stress, a coach helps you create a bedtime routine, improve your sleep quality, and begin meditating.

Health coaches already play a huge role in improving compliance, but still, they can’t guarantee their clients will follow through. 

What makes the biggest difference in a client’s ability to follow through, and experience better health outcomes?

Seeing their imbalances in black and white – for example, on a NES scan. 

Our view of ourselves often differs from reality. The NES scan makes it objective. 

When NES practitioner Tracy Poizner had her first scan, she was blown away. 

Tracy wasn’t someone who spent a lot of time using technology, but the scan showed that her computer exposure was high, while her smartphone exposure was low.

If you would have asked whether her computer use was an issue, she would have said no…

… but seeing it on the scan made her realize she needed to reduce her computer time. 

From there, Tracy integrated the NES System into her practice. 

>> In today’s video she shares how she went from being a tech skeptic to embracing the NES System and skyrocketing her client compliance rates. 

Our favorite nugget? 

“The compliance is through the roof, when they see it in front of them on the screen.”

If you want to be a Bioenergetic Health Coach who facilitates incredible transformations in your clients, the NES System will be crucial. 

>> Click here to learn how it works and read through the program details. 


Most health coaches struggle with client compliance, because they aren’t able to objectively illustrate their clients’ imbalances. 

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach, you’ll have a huge advantage in being able to show a client their imbalances on a screen… and therefore increase client compliance rates. 

When your client compliance rates are high, your referral rates are high, and your business grows rapidly.

When you’re in high demand, you have the ability to run your business exactly how you want to.

Whether it’s from a gorgeous office, an airplane, your beach rental, or all of the above – you get to choose how you serve your clients and live your life. 

This gives you an incredible quality of life and the flexibility you need to take extraordinary care of yourself, spend time with your precious loved ones, and truly enjoy your life. 

We hope today’s video inspires you, and if the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program is something you’re interested in, we’re here to answer your questions. 

Simply reply “interested” to this email, or call us at (888) 205-3930.

Our hours are 9am – 5pm ET, M-F.

Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health


3 Mistakes New Bioenergetic Health Coaches Make – and How To Avoid Them

Imagine waking up excited on a Monday morning.

Excited to dive into your morning routine…

Excited to eat your delicious breakfast…

Excited to begin your work…

… and excited to wind down in the evening with your loved ones. 

To some people, this will sound worlds away. Weird. Maybe even impossible.

Others have already had a taste of this lifestyle, or maybe they’re living it 100%. 

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach – or future coach – this reality is completely possible.

If you’ve already done some coaching or other remote work, maybe you know what it’s like.

If you’re considering a new career – and a new life – as a Bioenergetic Health Coach, we want to set you up for success. 

These are the 3 mistakes we’ve noticed new coaches making, and how you can avoid them…

  • Waiting too long to get started.

    When you’re beginning a new venture, you don’t have to make everything happen within a month, a few months, or even a year. But it’s best to get started right away, and to take action every day.

    Your time is precious, and your life is precious. It goes faster than you think.

    If you’re passionate about becoming a Bioenergetic Health Coach, serving clients, and having a freedom-based business you’re excited about, it’s important to take the first step as soon as possible.

    You will have missteps, and there will be a learning curve, but when you start sooner, you can achieve your goals and reach a higher quality of life much faster.

  • Letting insecurity take center stage. 

    You don’t have to feel perfect or look perfect to start health coaching.

    A lot of coaches think they need to resolve all of their health issues and lose 15 pounds before they start taking on clients. It’s just not true.

    Being a great Bioenergetic Health Coach means you’re dedicated to serving your clients, and you know the tools you have at your disposal can help them.

    When you gently push your ego to the side and focus on serving clients, your business will grow.

    That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the absolute best care of yourself, or that you should force yourself to take on clients when you’re feeling sick and exhausted.

    Take care of your energy and nourish your body, but don’t wait for perfection to start helping others. Move from your heart and let your mission speak through you.

    When you realize it’s not about you, getting clients becomes so much easier, because the pressure is off – you know you don’t have to be perfect, because being perfect is not what will help your clients transform.

  • Obsessing over your website, social media, or business cards.

    When you’re starting out – and really any time – these features don’t matter that much. What matters is your passion, and your willingness to get in front of ideal clients and talk about what you do.

    Where will you find your ideal clients?

    Anywhere and everywhere: Your yoga studio, the grocery store, a coffee shop, through a friend, or via social media.

    Our coaches have gotten clients through all these avenues.

    The common theme is ACTION, openness, and intention.

    When you’re willing to speak up about what you do and your intention is helping others, clients flow to you.

    When you’re first starting out, it’s so important to gain real life experience, and work with people in whatever way you can.

    Focus on taking care of your own energy, pushing through your fear, and talking to anyone and everyone about what you do.

    That doesn’t mean you should be hard-selling your services at every opportunity – it’s more about enthusiastically sharing what’s worked for you, and how excited you are to be coaching with bioenergetics.

    Genuine enthusiasm is magnetic, and it will naturally attract your ideal clients.

    Rather than focusing on the features of your business, like your website, focus on cultivating your confidence and energy, so you’re excited to share your work with others. 

When you avoid these 3 mistakes new Bioenergetic Health Coaches make, you can grow your business much faster, and much more organically. 

Modern, online education is all about shortening your learning curve and making it easier for you to seamlessly transition into a business and lifestyle that suits you 100%. 

These action steps and mindset shifts, paired with an online program like our Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program, can put you on the fast track to building your new coaching business. 

With the resources available today, your dreams are much closer than you think. 

With the right mindset and work ethic, you can make significant changes relatively quickly. A year from today, your life could look very different than it does right now. 

If you open up social media, you’re sure to see…

  • The young tech entrepreneur who came from nothing and went on to retire her parents early.
  • The 50-something designer who didn’t design her first dress until she was 40. 
  • The multi-6-figure wellness entrepreneur with no major connections, elite education, or business background. 

Even some of the wealthiest and well-known people came from nothing…

  • Actress Halle Berry slept in a homeless shelter before her career took off.
  • Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz grew up in the projects of NYC.  
  • Oprah was born into a poor Mississippi family. Today she’s worth over 2 billion. 

…and there are so many more examples just like this. 

Bottom line: Where you come from does not have to dictate where you’re going. 

Don’t get me wrong, it does take consistency and dedication, but it’s completely possible to achieve your dreams when you take action every day. 

With the tools we’ve shared today and our robust coaching program, you’ll be on your way to creating the life you want, relatively quickly.

How fast you move is up to you, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

Ready to explore the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program?

Click here to download your free program overview.

Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health


How to Facilitate True Physical + Psychological Shifts in Clients

Do you experience the world differently than most people? 

Do you perhaps feel more sensitive, attuned, or emotional than your peers?

This is a theme we see amongst the best Bioenergetic Health Coaches and coaches-to-be.

Their sensitivity is their superpower.

Being sensitive doesn’t mean you’re a cry baby, it means you pick up on more details and nuance than most people. 

After college, Life Coach and NES Practitioner Cecily Armstrong was on track to go to med school… 

… until she had a lightbulb moment and realized med school would break the natural healer in her.

She had been attuned to energy from childhood, and knew she was meant for a different path than Western Medicine.

After becoming a yoga studio owner and teaching for over 30 years, her career took a major shift that brought her into her purpose. 

>> Click PLAY below to learn how Cecily found her purpose and built a thriving career.

She shares about a woman she coached for 3 years, doing scans once a month. 

When she came to Cecily, she felt heavy and paralyzed. 

By the end of their work together, she had built a new career, transformed her health, started a new relationship, and moved out of her parents’ house. 

Through the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program, you can get access to the same tools Cecily uses in her thriving coaching practice.

If you’re excited to build a career you love and facilitate profound transformations in your clients as a Bioenergetic Health Coach, we hope today’s story inspires you.

Ready to dive into the program and get certified as a Bioenergetic Health Coach?

>> Click here to get the full details on the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program.

We’re here to serve you and help facilitate your best health and career success.

If you want to get in touch with us, call anytime at (888) 205-3930, or simply respond “interested” to any of our emails. 

Our regular business hours are 9am – 5pm ET M-F, and if we miss you we’ll be sure to call you back. 



Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health


Struggling to Break a Habit? Read This. 

Why is it so hard to break certain habits?

  • The coffee you drink every morning on autopilot, even though you know it’s like pouring gasoline on your anxiety. 
  • The cocktail you order at happy hour, because all your colleagues are. 
  • The urge to watch another Netflix episode when you really want to be studying a foreign language. 

Once we develop patterns and routines, the body gets used to them. They make our nervous systems feel safe.

For example, coffee actually dysregulates the central nervous system, but when you drink it every day, dysregulation becomes your norm.

You feel bored and tired if you’re not a little on edge. 

A regulated nervous system would feel weird to that person. 

They would need some time to adjust to the stillness. To know they’re safe to relax. To know they don’t have to be on high alert to be productive and focused.

That’s why behavioral change can be so challenging:

Whether a habit is good or bad, the subconscious – the body – gravitates toward what is familiar, again and again…

… even if it’s not good for you. 

Your mind tries to fight for you: You wake up and swear that today will be the day you reach for tea instead of coffee, or skip the cocktail. 

Mentally, you want that so bad – to feel that sense of accomplishment, that sense of internal calm. But your body just wants what’s normal. 

What if behavioral change could be effortless, for you and your clients? 

What if you could follow through on what you mentally want to do?

This is how you can make behavioral change effortless, and truly move the needle forward in your life, and the lives of your loved ones or clients:

After a client does their NES voice or fingerprint scan and their imbalances are detected, the next step is Infoceuticals. 

These are liquid remedies imprinted with proprietary bio-information. 

They go through a scanner that gives each Infoceutical a unique imprint that brings imbalanced areas of the body back into balance. 

Infoceuticals provide corrective information to the body-field, leading it back to a more optimal state so it can correctly guide the body’s functions.

The BioEnergetiX WellNES System recommends the Infoceuticals most critical for the body’s wellness based on its body-field assessment.

In our experience of Infoceuticals, and in thousands of clients worldwide, once we start taking them, the desire to engage in old patterns disappears. 

We no longer crave coffee or wine in the same way. It’s easier to meditate and exercise. It feels as if there’s no longer anything holding us back.


Because our systems are regulated, we no longer need to reach for temporary regulators that not only don’t work, but actually compound existing issues.

Infoceuticals bring you back to your healthy baseline – your birthright. 

With Infoceuticals at your fingertips, your personal health skyrockets, and your client results are out of this world.

Everything just feels easier. 

Bioenergetic Health Coaches have Infoceuticals at their disposal, along with the full BioEnergetiX WellNES System.

They’re truly paving the way for a new healthcare system that’s based in wellness, not illness.

Feeling called to become a Bioenergetic Health Coach, or add bioenergetics into your existing practice? We invite you to explore the program here.

Cool bonus: When you sign up for the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program, you get 5 free Infoceuticals, based on the results of your first scan.

That way you can experience them for yourself before recommending them to loved ones and clients. 

Here’s the thing, [FIRST NAME]: When your fundamental energy is balanced, you’re far less likely to gravitate toward behaviors that aren’t serving you.

These behaviors are your subconscious attempt to self-regulate:

To get back to what your body knows as normal – even if your normal is fight-or-flight. 

When your system is already regulated – when your organs and energy systems are working the way they were designed…

… you no longer need to use energy drinks, coffee, or wine to feel a temporary sense of equilibrium. 

The times we’re most likely to reach for regulators?

When we’re exhausted, depressed, or anxious. 

Once your energy is restored at the root, you’re much less likely to experience these conditions, and therefore much less likely to engage in self-regulatory attempts that aren’t serving you. 

When you’re in balance, you’ll naturally want to reach for things that truly support your energy, rather than substances that provide a temporary high followed by a crash, and deeper dysregulation. 

That’s why we’re so happy Bioenergetic Health Coaches have Infoceuticals and the full BioEnergetiX WellNES System at their disposal. 

Having them in your hands genuinely sets you apart as a coach, and helps you, your loved ones, and your clients feel better than ever. 


Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health


5 Ways To Recharge Your Batteries When You’re Feeling Exhausted

If you open up TikTok or Instagram, you’re going to get bombarded by dozens of morning routines, seven totally different “perfect” diets that “changed everything,” and countless productivity “hacks”:

  • From the 7-figure entrepreneur who says your morning routine doesn’t matter to the spiritual guru who says your morning affects your whole day. 
  • From high raw vegans living on fruit and veggies, to carnivores downing burger patties topped with grass-fed butter for breakfast.
  • From the Pomodoro technique devotee who time blocks every day, to the law of attraction teacher who says productivity doesn’t really matter, because you can just manifest anything you want.

These are all examples the NES Team saw this week. 

Everyone is obsessed with the latest “game-changing” trend, but the truth is that nothing works unless you have your fundamental energy.

The hacks don’t matter.

You might watch a reel and feel inspired to try matcha instead of coffee, opt for pilates over high-intensity workouts, or bring complex carbs back into your diet…

… but then you wake up and you’re exhausted. 

It’s easier to do what you’ve always done. 

You feel pretty good, even though you still have that chronic bit of pain in your upper back, and your sleep schedule is kind of crazy. 

You’re doing enough to feel OK but don’t have the energy to make the real changes required to feel amazing. 

Today we’re sharing 5 ways you can recharge your batteries when you’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, so you have the energy to step into your full potential. 

While bioenergetics and Infoceuticals have made the biggest differences in our energy and health here at NES, lifestyle factors matter. These are the 5 areas to focus on first:


What we eat informs our cells and plays a huge role in how we feel each day.

We recommend eating a whole foods diet, and avoiding anything processed or artificial.

Focus on plant-based foods, and when eating meat, choose animals that were raised on pure plants, without hormones or chemicals.

Minimize sugar and refined carbohydrates, especially if your energy is low, since they can trigger spikes and crashes, rather than supporting sustained energy.

2. Water.

Water accounts for about 70% of our bodies by weight, and makes up 99% of our molecules.

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of pure, filtered water throughout the day.

As many times as most of us have heard this, it can be hard to remember.

Keeping a large, full glass or bottle next to you during the day can make all the difference.

If you’re really struggling to remember, set reminders on your phone or computer. 


Science suggests that 90% of our energy comes from oxygen, while only 10% comes from food.

Breathing pure oxygen is key to keeping your batteries charged.

What does that mean? How can you control the oxygen you breathe? 

Sometimes you can’t.

What you can do is get into nature as much as possible, and focus on taking long, deep breaths throughout the day, to increase oxygen flow in the body.

Many people breathe very shallow, or even hold their breath when they’re focused on something, which is most of the day.

Set your intention on deep, easy breathing, allowing the body to fill with air on the inhale, and relax on the exhale. 

When you do this enough, you’ll retrain your body and it will become a habit. 

4. Movement.

Movement and exercise dovetail with getting more oxygen, as movement literally generates electrical charge in the body and floods your system with energy.

Many of us are sitting all day, compressing our bodies and blocking the flow of oxygen.

Even something as simple as walking will improve blood flow, flush the lymphatic system, balance hormones, and support metabolic function.

Exercise also protects against inflammation and supports brain maintenance and growth. 

5. Light.

Light has a huge impact on energy, and getting the right type of light exposure can recharge your internal batteries.

Natural light is always best. When you spend time outside in the early morning, letting the sunshine on your face, your body knows it’s time to wake up. 

Light is also a great source of vitamin D, which is key to sustained energy.

When you minimize artificial light at night, your body knows it’s time for sleep.

This can look like powering down electronics an hour or two before bed, and keeping your lights dim at night. You might even enjoy sticking to candlelight in the evening, as a way to relax and unwind.

The more you can follow the natural rhythm of the sun, the more your energy will regulate and optimize. 

If you can restore your energy at the root, that will catapult you into a completely new experience of your body and life. 

We hope today’s share helps you begin to recharge your batteries, starting today. 

Sometimes you just need to gain a little traction, to make a big leap. 🚀

As a current or future coach or practitioner, your journey inspires your work and your clients. 

When you’re a living example of what you teach, clients flock to you.

That doesn’t mean you need to be perfect in order to begin your journey as a Bioenergetic Health Coach, it just means you need to be pointed in the right direction. 

Everyone struggles sometimes – including doctors, nurses, and naturopaths – so if you’ve been lagging lately, we hope you feel one step closer to optimal after reading today’s post.

Have a friend who’s been struggling with their energy? Email them this post. 



Harry Massey,
Founder, NES Health


Are All Vegans Healthy?

Humans are quick to make assumptions – it’s our nature.

  • Someone tells us they’re vegan, and we assume they’re super healthy. 
  • We see a friend posting their workout on social media, and assume they have their lives together. 
  • Our best friend is a dedicated meditator, so we assume they never experience anxiety.

In reality, that vegan could be living off simple carbs all day, and drinking all night. 

The fitness junkie could be overexercising to burn off all their calories (this is a form of eating disorder), and our zen friend could be struggling with depression. 

At the same time, having one area of our lives under control can make us believe that everything should be flowing.

If you’re vegan, you might feel frustrated that you’re still not feeling your best.

If you workout all the time, you might find yourself wondering why you still have fat around your stomach. 

If you meditate a lot, you could be confused by the fact that you still experience anxiety. 

One habit can never represent the full picture.

When we’re stuck judging others based on one behavior, or frustrated that one change hasn’t fixed everything for us, we’re probably not seeing the holistic picture. 

The truth is that everything is connected, and often, many things must change gradually in order for you to feel your best.

It all adds up… 

… but sometimes, one change really can skyrocket your success. 

What if you had a secret weapon? 

Something that triggers true progress when nothing else is working?

Today we want to share Russ Goldston’s story. 

Russ is someone who has a lot of experience in health and wellness. 

He even lived in a self-sufficient community in Israel where they grew their own food, had their own schooling system, and created their own preventative healthcare.

Still, he had multiple family members who were seriously struggling with their health.  

>> After trying to find answers in every area of the medical and wellness industries, this is what finally worked for Russ and his family:


When Russ was considering making the move he talks about in the video above, he had $150 to his name.

He spent $149 on the one thing that finally gave him his son back, restored his daughter’s health – she was born at 1 lb, 15 oz – and helped his mother heal after a major life transition. 

If you’re struggling with your health, if your loved ones are struggling, or if your clients have hit a plateau… watch today’s video. We hope it inspires you as it did us. 

Russ’s closing advice is truly priceless – don’t miss the last few minutes of the video. 


Harry Massey
Founder, NES Health


How Bioenergetics Can Speed Up the Healing Process

People spend months, years, and even decades dealing with stubborn health issues. 

A lot of health systems want to keep you on a hamster wheel, trying new methods and spending more money. 

Often, the people who are most in touch with their bodies and knowledgeable about holistic health are the ones on the hamster wheel.


People on the opposite side of the spectrum just nod their heads, pop their pills, and trudge through another day of “getting older.”

They accept feeling “fine.”

You want more. You won’t settle. 

You know there must be another way. 

You know optimal health must be attainable…

… but what if the journey to get there is feeling painfully slow? 

Whether you’re struggling with your own health, or want to take the guesswork out of your client approach, today we want to share some very cool research with you.

Here at NES Health, we’ve done numerous pilot and clinical studies throughout the years.

A 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that the NES Infoceuticals led to a reduction in depression scores and self-reported stress measures in 54 subjects.

In another instance, a pilot study saw an average 19% drop in blood pressure in participants through Infoceutical usage.

A large-scale study based on clients’ self-reported concerns showed radical improvements:

Those who started with a Wellness Score below 4 – quite low – experienced substantial improvements in health and decreases in symptom severity between their first and second visits with a Bioenergetic Health Coach.

Imagine the impact you could have on the health of your loved ones and clients, with NES in your back pocket. 

Using voice scan technology that measures energetic frequencies, the BioEnergetiX WellNES System assesses hundreds of data points in the body. 

You can get an accurate reading on the energetic state of a client within seconds.

The scan unmasks where energy is blocked, and where communication is breaking down.

From there, a “prescription” of Infoceuticals and customized meditations is generated, to help your clients correct and protect their energy. 

Infoceuticals are chemical-free, providing energy when you need it and allowing you to rest when you don’t. No more stimulant-induced spikes and crashes.

They optimize performance and productivity by protecting cognitive function and muscle development, improving reaction time and reducing mental errors.

Infoceuticals also improve stress resilience by activating the body’s own stem cell production and repair processes, increasing your ability to manage stress and truly thrive in your life. 

These side-effect-free droplets support a consistent mood, with fewer crashes and less anxiety. No toxins, no chemicals – just water, salt, and imprinted energy.

The BioEnergetiX WellNES System is revolutionizing the health coaching industry by shortening the learning curve for coaches. 

With the scan software and Infoceuticals, Bioenergetic Health Coaches are confident in their ability to facilitate powerful results for their clients. 

The results of the studies we shared today blew our minds – you can see just how powerful bioenergetics is for real people dealing with real issues.

By detecting health imbalances, correcting them, and protecting energy, Bioenergetic Health Coaches are radically improving their own health and their clients’ health.

Through bioenergetics, you can standardize your results, rather than trying the latest health trend and hoping for the best. 

Instead of guessing, waiting, and wasting precious time, you can feel better faster and spend more time enjoying your life. 

Are you currently struggling with a health issue? 

Would you love to facilitate powerful results for your current or future clients?

As someone we can envision playing a role in the bioenergetic health revolution, as a Bioenergetic Health Coach, we would love to hear your experience in the comments below.


Harry Massey
Founder, NES Health


Her Life Looked Perfect – But She Was Struggling Behind the Scenes

Jill Rathburn always wanted to be a nurse from a young age. 

She gravitated toward anything health and wellness related, and had a strong desire to help people, so she went to college for nursing, and worked in the field for a couple of years. 

Jill was a high achiever – she went on to build a few different companies, and worked hard to make them successful. 

She was also very family-focused, with a loving husband and children. 

All of her kids were active in sports, and she was there to cheer them on at every event. 

Sounds like a pretty perfect life, right? 

The truth is that Jill was struggling with something serious behind the scenes, and it took her 15 years to realize it. 

Click PLAY on the video below to hear Jill’s story.

You’ll learn how she healed a disorder millions of people struggle with, and went on to work with clients all over the world. 

The truth is that Jill’s issue is very common among women who are high achievers. 

She had a successful business and a happy family. 

She was training for triathlons, teaching spin classes, and practicing yoga on a daily basis. 

From the outside, it looked like everything was great – like she was the perfect mid-life woman, thriving after putting in hard work to become successful. 

It shocked her loved ones to learn that on the inside, she was struggling with:

  • Unresolved childhood trauma
  • Suppressed depression
  • Everyday anxiety

Like many people, alcohol was her coping mechanism. 

Drinking is so incredibly normalized and even encouraged, that it’s no surprise Jill turned to it as a crutch. 

She didn’t think anything of it. 

All of her friends drank, so it felt perfectly fine and normal to reach for a glass of wine or cocktail regularly. 

Over time it became clear that it was an issue, and her inner circle of friends and family intervened. 

On her journey to recovery, she realized that she was battling a sugar addiction, too.

Since alcohol converts to sugar in the body, it spikes blood sugar and causes a lot of common health issues:

  • Extra weight
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep trouble
  • Chronic fatigue

… and much more. 

It’s no surprise that alcohol is one of the biggest disruptors of the human body-field. 

A powerful chemical, it can block and distort energy throughout the body.

On her road to recovery, Jill realized that alcoholism is a much more complicated disorder than she thought, and that Western medicine is limited in its ability to address it. 

Shortly after getting sober, she assumed she would feel better in her body and mind, but she continued to experience lots of health issues. 

Her allopathic doctor told her they were age-related, and had nothing to do with her alcoholism and recovery process. 

Her heart told her there was another answer, an approach that could help her heal all her issues at the root. 

Jill realized her solution did not lie in Western medicine. 

She needed to break out of the standard mold. 

As a nurse, that felt strange, but she trusted herself. 

She went on to work with dozens of holistic health practitioners, and healed almost every issue she was having, except for two:

  1. Brain fog
  2. Fatigue 

Her acupuncturist told her she had low energy… and her acupuncturist 20 years earlier had said the same thing, right around the time she began drinking alcohol. 

Shortly after this, Jill went to a holistic health fair and was introduced to NES. 

She was immediately blown away – it was clear that bioenergetics was the solution she was looking for. 

All of the issues she had been working on quickly came up on the screen, after doing the NES scan:

  • Liver
  • Gut
  • Energy
  • Memory

Jill quickly realized the missing link was healing her body-field, not her biochemistry. 

It was clear that bioenergetics was her road to recovery. 

NES took the guesswork out, sparking a radical shift in her healing journey and propelling her forward.

The NES scan organized the information so clearly that she could easily understand where her energy was weak and where her body-field deviated from the ideal. 

Through bioenergetics she was able to fully restore her health at the root. 

Jill had already begun coaching other women who were in recovery, and quickly introduced NES into her practice.

In the video above, Jill shares her top tip as a practitioner:

The simple approach she takes to skyrocket her client success rates by properly reading the scan and asking the right questions. 

Make sure you give it a watch.

Jill’s unique approach is what helps her get to the crux of what’s going on for her clients, so they can move forward with confidence and experience lasting results. 

She works with many different types of women, many of whom are going through incredibly difficult times. 

Jill has found that regardless of client issues, through Bioenergetic Health Coaching she can tackle virtually anything. She’s helped a vast range of clients heal, regardless of their challenging circumstances and mysterious symptoms. 

Jill now considers her work using the NES system the BIGGEST way she’s impacted the world. 

She’s proud to help her clients overcome lifelong dysfunctional habits, and take control of their health so they can transform their lives. 

Do you see yourself in any aspects of Jill’s story? 

Are you feeling inspired to become a Bioenergetic Health Coach? 

The NES approach makes working with clients very practical and straightforward. 

Where lots of regular health coaches take the trial-and-error approach, NES is much more predictable. 

The scan and roadmap give you a foolproof gameplan to take your clients from feeling “meh” to AMAZING, and help them heal lifelong issues, just like Jill. 

We hope today’s share inspires you, and if the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program is something you’re interested in, we’re here to answer your questions. 

You can reach us between 9am – 5pm ET M-F at (888) 205-3930, or simply reply “interested” to this email and we’ll follow up. 


Harry Massey
Founder, NES Health


Do You Have to Hit Rock Bottom to Heal?

I was watching a YouTube video and another title on the right side of the page caught my eye:

“My life started when they said it was over.”

This is so common – we wait until we’ve hit rock bottom to get the help we need to feel better. 

We might even notice symptoms, like fatigue, brain fog, or anxiety, but think they’re normal:

  • “That’s part of getting older.”
  • “I’ll feel better when work eases up.”
  • “I just need a vacation.”

These are the things we tell ourselves (or our doctors tell us) to minimize our issues and avoid taking action.

Why do we do this? Hint: It’s not because we’re stupid or lazy.

The human brain is stubborn. It likes routine. It’s wired to keep us safe.

Unless something is seriously affecting our lives, we’re unlikely to change it. 

At the same time, the human body is incredibly resilient, built for survival. 

Most of us will push through symptoms to accomplish at least the bare minimum each day.

Even when our bodies are screaming, we’ll trudge on. 

Each person is a little different, but generally speaking, it takes a lot to break the human spirit, and to surrender to our body’s signals. 

Seeing this YouTube title brought me back to my 7+ year struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome. 

When it first began, I didn’t want to submit to it.

I booked another climbing trip – I thought the fresh air and movement were all I needed…

… then I got even sicker.

Finally, I was completely bedridden. 

I had no option but to lay on my back. 

Zero physical strength or willpower to move. 

My body 1000% needed rest. 

I also needed to heal, so I started trying different healing diets and protocols, like coffee enemas and fasting.

A few approaches helped a little, but most of them burned me out further and led to weight loss and weakness. 

I finally stumbled upon bioenergetics and learned how to restore my energy at the root.

Ultimately I created the BioEnergetiX WellNES System (BWS), which has already helped over 100’s of thousands of people around the world restore their full health and energy.

With the NES System, Bioenergetic Health Coaches take a 3-step approach:

  1. First they scan your body-field via hand scanner or voice. The voice scan can be done with any computer or smartphone, anywhere in the world. 
  2. Within seconds the scan identifies blockages and distortions in the flow of energy and information.
  3. A full report and recommended protocol is created, geared toward stimulating the body’s self-healing ability. Coaches walk their clients through every step of the process, using this roadmap.

We’re just getting started, and Bioenergetic Health Coaching is now a huge part of our mission.

Through the Bioenergetic Health Coaching program, it’s our goal to have thousands of coaches out there helping people heal so they can live the lives they’ve always dreamed about.

You don’t have to keep sitting on the sidelines. 

You don’t have to hit rock bottom to finally make empowered changes.

You don’t have to wait around feeling frustrated by symptoms.

You can get off the bench, and go on to help dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people do the same.

Rock bottom so often triggers massive transformations – and that’s great. 

Sometimes the human brain needs that experience to make a true change.

No shame.

But it’s not the only way.

The NES System is a clean, simple way of seeing symptoms before they’re massive problems, and a clear route to begin feeling better right away. 

If you’re struggling with your own health, if you wish you could help your loved ones truly thrive, or if it’s your dream to facilitate deeply transformational work with clients all over the world… 

… you can.

We can help you make that dream a reality, from bioenergetic basics to business building skills. 

I hope today’s share gave you clarity and perspective, and perhaps inspired you to help yourself, or help a loved one take just one step forward. 

To your health,
Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health


Can Bioenergetics Help with Memory?

When Jules Pahor went to her doctor with complaints of headaches, stress, dyslexic speech, and short-term memory loss, he told her “It’s just old age.”

Because of all these frustrating symptoms, Jules was withdrawing into herself. 

She felt like a different person. 

She didn’t know what was going on.

Jules had been passionate about bioenergetics and mind-body health for 25 years, so she knew there must be a path to recovery.

She refused to accept her doctor’s word – she knew it was NOT just “old age.”

All of this happened 5 years after she had already faced deafness and blindness, and the traditional medical system told her it would take 6-12 months to recover.

She set the goal of healing through bioenergetics in 6-12 weeks.

Phew!Did she achieve that goal, and if so, how?

Click PLAY below to learn how Jules was able to correct all these conditions, from the commonplace to severe.

In a recent study on the effectiveness of Infoceuticals, 231 out of 240 study participants reported improved health after using the Infoceuticals.

That’s a whopping 96.5% success rate!

Curious to know more? 

Click PLAY on the video below, where researcher Sarah Turner explains some fascinating findings on NES Health, along with the science behind our imprinting process.

Jules’ story is a great example of how every powerful mission has a potent story behind it.

When you’ve come to believe that life is effectively over for you…

When it seems impossible to feel engaged with your life and excited about your pursuits…

… finding a solution can be the source of your mission and purpose in the world. 

It can feel like a miracle – and it truly is.

Having your health and energy is everything. Being able to support your friends and family is invaluable. Having the tools to build a booming business is priceless.

Today, Jules helps her clients alleviate chronic stress, joint and muscle pain, chronic fatigue, and many more mild to severe symptoms and conditions through the NES System. 

Using her “energetic toolkit,” she helps her clients correct their body-field and restore their energy at the root. 

If Jules can do this, so can you.

Everyone deserves to have natural healing at their fingertips, so they don’t have to suffer in bed for 10 years, like I did. 

Whether you’re already a health coach or you’re curious about the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program, we hope today’s video inspires you and helps you understand the practical healing power of bioenergetics.

Think of where you could be in 6 weeks – or where a family member or client could be – with the support of bioenergetics.

We would love to hear your thoughts on Jules’ story in the comments below.


Harry Massey,

Founder, NES Health